Rodent pests threaten agricultural cropping systems, impacting food security and small-holder farmers’ income in cereal-growing areas.


This study investigated knowledge, attitude, and practices (KAPs) toward rodents infesting Moroccan cereal crops through a survey of 100 farmers in two regions (Rabat-Sale-Kenitra and Fes-Meknes). A constructive questionnaire about all rodent aspects was created and distributed to the farmers. Rodent infestation is perceived in most fields (80%), with Mus musculus (28%) and Rattus rattus (26%) being the most prevalent species. Farmers perceived rodents negatively (> 90%), considering them as a major threat. Most of the control attitudes against rodent infestation were positive when continuously established and promoted. The farmer profile was shown to influence rodent knowledge and control attitude. Younger, educated, and experienced farmers understood rodent damage trends better and adopted environmental-friendly management practices, while older, inexperienced respondents preferred to use rodenticides instead.


The study revealed novel insights into rodent problems in Moroccan cereal fields and urged the need for ecologically-based rodent management (EBRM) practices.

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