Plant-parasite nematodes negatively impact legume crops’ health, resulting in massive economic losses worldwide. The conventional parasite control technique relied on chemically synthesized substances having a parasiticidal effect, which had a harmful influence on the environment. These substances harm the beneficial microorganisms in the soil and may also remain poisonous residues in agricultural products. Other control methods with a lower environmental effect have been investigated, and novel control approaches based on oilseed cakes against economically significant nematode issues, such as Meloidogyne spp., are very enthusiastic. Many researchers have employed oilseed cakes in various forms such as crude oil cake, aqueous extracts, powdered oil cake, and so on. Both in vitro and in vivo investigations have been conducted to determine the impact of oil cakes on plant parasitic nematodes. Oil cakes such as neem, mustard, castor, karanj, mahua, groundnut, and sesame did their best to control the infection in the greenhouse and the field-grown leguminous crops. However, the mechanism of action of oil cakes against nematodes is poorly understood and remains challenging to explore.

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