
Dr. Fouad MOKRINI (PhD)

Head of Nematology Laboratory

INRA, CRRA-Rabat, Morocco

About me

<strong>Dr. Fouad MOKRINI</strong>
Dr. Fouad MOKRINIEng (IAV, 2005), Ph.D (UGhent, Belgium, 2016) Principal Chief Engineer

  • Fouad Mokrini is a Phytopathologist / Nematologist, serving as the head of the Nematology Laboratory at the Regional Center of Agricultural Research (CRRA-Rabat), INRA, Morocco. His lab has established a strong foundation in the study of Plant-Parasitic Nematodes (PPNs) and Entomopathogenic Nematodes (EPNs) in Morocco. This work includes the morphological and molecular characterization of PPNs, as well as the development of innovative management strategies to mitigate nematode and insect pest issues in agriculture

         The mission of the Nematology laboratory at INRA, CRRA-Rabat is to :

  • Develop safe and effective control strategies for plant-parasitic nematodes (PPNs) and insect pests, thereby promoting agricultural sustainability, ensuring food safety, improving water quality, and integrating with pest management systems.

  • Discover biocontrol organisms and soil amendments to suppress PPN populations, particularly Meloidogyne spp., and insect pests associated with vegetable crops, while elucidating their modes of action.

  • Develop advanced molecular tools to enhance nematode identification and diagnostics.


 International  publications



National Publications


Oral Communications



Membership and Network

2017-2018 : Nominated by the Islamic Development Bank as member of the Panel of external reviewers of the Merit Scholarship Program appliquants

** European Society of Nematologists (ESN)

** International Working Group on Cereal Cyst Nematode.

Research Projects

** USAID (2010) Sustainable and Integrated Control of Key Dryland Soil Borne Pathogens (SPB) for Sustainably Healty Roots and Soils for Rainfed Wheat Produiction Systems

** AMABIO (2015-2017) : Biological control of the Root-knot nematodes Meloidogyne spp.


1 st Recipient the European Society of Nematologists grant for attending the ESN meeting

 Adana, Turkey.

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