Dr. Fouad MOKRINI (PhD)
Head of Nematology Laboratory
INRA, CRRA-Rabat, Morocco

- Fouad Mokrini is a Phytopathologist / Nematologist, serving as the head of the Nematology Laboratory at the Regional Center of Agricultural Research (CRRA-Rabat), INRA, Morocco. His lab has established a strong foundation in the study of Plant-Parasitic Nematodes (PPNs) and Entomopathogenic Nematodes (EPNs) in Morocco. This work includes the morphological and molecular characterization of PPNs, as well as the development of innovative management strategies to mitigate nematode and insect pest issues in agriculture
The mission of the Nematology laboratory at INRA, CRRA-Rabat is to :
Develop safe and effective control strategies for plant-parasitic nematodes (PPNs) and insect pests, thereby promoting agricultural sustainability, ensuring food safety, improving water quality, and integrating with pest management systems.
Discover biocontrol organisms and soil amendments to suppress PPN populations, particularly Meloidogyne spp., and insect pests associated with vegetable crops, while elucidating their modes of action.
Develop advanced molecular tools to enhance nematode identification and diagnostics.
Certificate of Plant Breeding and Plant Sexual Reproduction course
organized by Ghent University, Belgium.
Ghent, Belgium2014
Certificate of soil borne pathogens of wheat course
organized by CIMMYT, Turkey.
CIMMYT, Turkey2010
Certificate of soil borne pathogens of wheat course
organized by INRA Tunisia, CIMMYT and ICARDA.
INRA Tunisia, CIMMYT and ICARDA2009
M.sc Hassan II Institute of Agronomy and Veterinary medicine
(Diploma of agronomy engineer), option: Plant Protection.
Rabat, Morocco 1999-2005
International publications
MOKRINI, F., Laasli, SE., Ezrari, S., Lahlali, R. 2024. Plant-Parasitic Nematodes and Microbe Interactions: A Biological Control Perspective. In book: Sustainable Management of Nematodes in Agriculture, Vol.2: Role of Microbes-Assisted Strategies. Publisher: Springer Nature Switzerland Link of the publication 
Krif, G., Lahlali, R., El Aissami, A., Laassli, SE., Mimouni, A., Dababat, A., Zoubi, B and MOKRINI, F. 2024. Potential Effects of Nematophagous Fungi Against Meloidogyne javanica Infection of Tomato Plants Under in vitro and in vivo Conditions, Journal of Crop Health 76(4):1-11 Link of the publication 
Boualam; Y., Hormatalla, A., Khfif, K., MOKRINI, F. 2024. Effect of essential oils extracted from Eucalyptus globulus, Lavandula angustifolia, Thymus vulgaris, Rosmarinus officinalis, and Artemisia vulgaris on Meloidogyne javanica in Tomato Crops, African Mediterranean Agricultural Journal (142). p. 13-31. Link of the publication 
11- Laasli, SE., Seddiqi Kellali, N., Leghrifi, I., Kenfaoui, J., Goura, K., MOKRINI, F., Dababat, A., Lahlali, R. 2024. Molecular Diagnostics and Management of Phyto-Parasitic Nematodes. In book: Molecular and Biotechnological Tools for Plant Disease Management. Publisher: Springer Singapore. Link of the publication 
15- Seddiqi Kallali, N., Ouijja, A., Goura, K., Laasli, SE., Kenfaoui, K., Benseddik, Y., Blenzar, A., Boutaleb Joutei, A., MOKRINI, F., Lahlali, R. 2024. From soil to host: Discovering the tripartite interactions between entomopathogenic nematodes, symbiotic bacteria and insect pests and related challenges, Journal of Natural Pesticide Research Link of the publication 
16- Assouguem, A., Lahlali, R., Boutaleb Joutei, A., Kara, M., Aberkani, K., Kaur, S., MOKRINI, F., Lazraq, A. 2024. Assessing Panonychus ulmi (Acari: Tetranychidae) Infestations and Their Key Predators on Malus domestica Borkh in Varied Ecological Settings, Agronomy 2024, 14(3), 457 Link of the publication 
Kenfaoui, J., Goura, K., Legrifi, I., Seddiqi, N., El Hamss, H., MOKRINI, F., Amiri, S., Belabess, Z., lahlali, R. 2023. Natural Product Repertoire for Suppressing the Immune Response of Meloidogyne Species. In book: Root-Galling Disease of Vegetable Plants, Publisher: Springer Nature. Link of the publication 
Radouane, N., Adadi, H., Ezrari, S., Kenfaoui, J., Belabess, Z., MOKRINI, F., Ait barka, S., Lahlali, R. (2023). Exploring the Bioprotective Potential of Halophilic Bacteria against Major Postharvest Fungal Pathogens of Citrus Fruit Penicillium digitatum and Penicillium italicum. Horticulturae. Link of the publication 
Zoubi, Z., MOKRINI, F., Amer, M., Cherki, G., Rafya, M., Benkebboura, A., Akachoud, O., Laasli, S., Housseini AI., Dababat, AA., Lahlali, R., & Qaddoury, A., (2023). Eco-friendly management of the citrus nematode Tylenchulus semipenetrans using some aromatic and medicinal plants. Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection Link of the publication 
Laasli, SE., Imren M., Goksel, O., MOKRINI, F., Lahlali, R., Wim, B., Morgounov, A., Gul Erginbas, O., Dababat, AA. (2022). Interaction of root-lesion nematode (Pratylenchus thornei) and crown rot fungus (Fusarium culmorum) associated with spring wheat resistance under simulated field conditions. Phytoparasitica 50(4) Link of the publication 
Ezrari, S., Lazraq, A., Elhousni, Z., Radouane, N., Belabess, Z., MOKRINI, F., Tahiri, A., Amiri, S., Lahlali, R (2022). Evaluating the sensitivity and efficacy of fungicides with different modes of action against Neocosmospora solani and Fusarium species, causing agents of citrus dry root rot. Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection In press(8) Link of the publication 
Benseddik, Y., Boutaleb Joutei, A., Blenzar, A., Amiri, S., Asfers, A., MOKRINI, F., Lahlali, R. (2022). Biological control potential of Moroccan entomopathogenic nematodes for managing the flatheaded root-borer, Capnodis tenebrionis (Linné) (Coleoptera: Buprestidae). Crop Protection 158 Link of the publication 
Farhaoui, A., Adadi, A., Tahiri, A., El Alami, N., Khayi, S., Mentag, R., Ezrari, S., Redouanr, N., MOKRINI, F., Belabess, Z., Lahlali, R. (2022). Biocontrol potential of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) against Sclerotiorum rolfsii diseases on Sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.). Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology 119 Link of the publication 
El Aimani, A., Houari, A., Laasli, SE., Mentag, R., Iraqi, D., Diria, G., Khayi, S., Lahlali, R., Dababat, AA. and MOKRINI, F. (2022). Antagonistic potential of Moroccan entomopathogenic nematodes against root-knot nematodes, Meloidogyne javanica on tomato under greenhouse conditions. Scientific Reports 12(1):1-9 Link of the publication 
Kriff, G., Lahlali, R., El Aissami, A., Laasli, SE., Mimouni, A., Serderedis, S., Picaud, T., Moens, A., Dababat, AA., Fahad, K and Mokrini, F. (2022). Efficacy of authentic bio-nematicides against the root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne javanica infecting tomato under greenhouse conditions. Physiological and Molecular Plant pathology 118. Link of the publication 
Lahlali, R., Ezrari, S., Radouane, N;, Belabess, Z., Jiang, Y., Mokrini, F et al. (2022). Bacillus spp.-Mediated Drought Stress Tolerance in Plants: Current and Future Prospects. In book: Bacilli in Agrobiotechnology: Plant Stress Tolerance, Bioremediation, and BioprospectingPublisher: Springer International Publishing Link of the publication 
Lahlali, R., Ibrahim, D., Belabess, Z., Kadir Roni, MZ., Radouane, N., Vicente, C., Menendez, E., Mokrini, F et al. (2022)–High-throughput molecular technologies for unraveling the mystery of soil microbial community: Challenges and future prospects, Heliyon 7(10) (October, 2021) Link of the publication 
Benssedik, Y., Boutaleb Joutei, A., Blenzar, A., Ezrari, S., Molina, CM., Redouane, N., MOKRINI, F., Tahiri, A., Lahlai, R and Dababat, AA. (2020) . Occurrence and distribution of entomopathogenic nematodes (Steinernematidae and Heterorhabditidae) in Morocco. Biocontrol Science and Technology:1060-1072. Link of the publication
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Krif G.,MOKRINI, F. , El Aissami, A., Laasli, SE., Imren, M., Goksel, O., Paulitz, T., Lahlai R., and Dababat, A.A. (2020). Diversity and Management Strategies of Plant Parasitic Nematodes in Moroccan Organic Farming and Their Relationship with Soil Physico-Chemical Properties. Agriculture 10, 447. Link of the publication
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Mokrini, F. Laasli, SE., Wifaya A., Mimouni, A., Erginbas-Oraki, Imren M., Dababat A.A. (2019). Distribution and Occurrence of plant-parasitic nematodes associated with Raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.) in Souss-Massa region of Morocco: Relationship with soil physico-chemical factors. Russian Journal of Nematology 27 (2) Download PDF 
Mokrini, F. Viaene, N., Waeyenberge, L., Dababat, A.A., Moens, M. (2018). Investigation of resistance to Pratylenchus penetrans and P. thornei in international wheat lines and its durability when inoculated together with the cereal cyst nematode Heterodera avenae, using qPCR for nematode quantification. European Journal of Plant Pathology 151(4) : 875-889. Link of the publication
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Abdelfattah A. DABABAT 1,∗, Fouad MOKRINI 2, Salah-Eddine LAASLI 2, ¸Senol YILDIZ 3,Gül ERGINBAS-ORAKCI 1, Nagihan DUMAN 4 and Mustafa ÍMREN 4 (2018). Host suitability of different wheat lines to Pratylenchus thornei under naturally infested field conditions in Turkey Link of the publication
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Soukaina Janati1,2, Abdellah Houari1 , Ahmed Wifaya2 , Adil Essarioui5 , Abdelaziz Mimouni2 , Abderrahim Hormatallah6 , Mohamed Sbaghi3 , Abdelfattah A. Dababat4 , and Fouad Mokrini2 * Occurrence of the Root-Knot Nematode species in Vegetable Crops in Souss Region of Morocco Link of the publication
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Mokrini, F. Viaene, N., Waeyenberge, L., Dababat, A. A., Moens, M. (2018). Investigation of resistance to Pratylenchus penetrans and P. thornei in international wheat lines and its durability when inoculated together with the cereal cyst nematode Heterodera avenae, using qPCR for nematode quantification. European Journal of Plant Pathology, pp 1- 15 Link of the publication
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Krif G., MOKRINI, F., El Aissami, A., Laasli, SE., Imren, M., Goksel, O., Paulitz, T., Lahlai R., and Dababat, A.A. (2020). Diversity and Management Strategies of Plant Parasitic Nematodes in Moroccan Organic Farming and Their Relationship with Soil Physico-Chemical Properties. Agriculture 10, 447. Article number: 19204 Link of the publication
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MOKRINI, F., Laasli, SE., Bensidek, Y., Boutaleb Joutei, A., Blenzar, A., Lakhal, H., Sbaghi, M. et el. 2020. Potential of Moroccan entomopathogenic nematodes for the control of the Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata Wiedemann (Diptera: Tephritidae), Scientific Reports 10 Link of the publication 
National Publications
Mokrini, F. , Viaene, N., Waeyenberge, L., Afechtal, M., Esaarioui A. , Mones, M. (2017). The Importance, biology and management of cereal cyst nematodes (Heterodera spp.)- A revieuw. Revue Marocaine des Sciences Agronomiques et Vétérinaires 5 (4)
Mokrini, F. (2017). Les nématodes à galles ” un programme intégré de lutte est nécessaire” Agriculture du Maghreb N°104 Mai/Juin 2017 pages 51-53.
Essarioui, A., Mokrini, F. Afechtal, M. (2016). Molecular interactions between tomato and its wilt pathogen Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. Lycopersici- a review Revue Marocaine des Sciences Agronomiques et Vétérinaires 4 (1): 66-74